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  “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
~ 1 Peter 4:10

Where Can I Serve?

At Hoffman, we believe that working side by side in ministry is an ideal way to serve other and make the greatest impact in our community.  If you don’t know exactly what your spiritual gifts might be, we encourage you to setup a time to meet with the pastor as well as take the Spiritual Gifts Inventory.  You can do this by calling at 937-698-4401.

Outreach Team

The goal of the Outreach Team at Hoffman is to welcome others to the church while introducing them to a relationship with Christ. In Matthew 28:19, Jesus told us to go and make disciples of all nations. Through marketing and outreach within the West Milton and surrounding communities, the Outreach Team at Hoffman hope to reach all who want to know Christ and build a relationship with a church family.  To offer your gifts to this ministry, please call the church office at 937-698-4401 for more information.

Sunday School Teacher or Small Group Facilitator

Members and established attendees have the opportunity to lead children, youth or adults in core or elective studies and classes.  Safe Sanctuary rules apply for working with children up to age 18. Please call Children’s Ministry Director, Becky at 937-698-6511 to get involved.


We believe music is an integral part of worship and expression of our joy in knowing Christ.  You have the opportunity to join the chancel choir that performs each week during our 9:00 am traditional service, the bell choir or to share your gifts as a part of special music during either the traditional service or the Open Door contemporary service at 11:15 am. Contact church at 937-698-4401 to reach the Music Director, Norman Hiester.

Missions and Giving

Whether building houses in Haiti or giving aid to those struggling in the Appalachian Mountain area, our mission teams do all that they can to become the hands and feet of Christ to those in need.  If you have a desire to join a team as they travel to various regions, states and countries providing for the needs of others or to share your spiritual gift of giving through mission support, call the church office at  937-698-4401. 

Grandma’s Kitchen

Grandma’s Kitchen has been in serving meals since 2001;this second and fourth Wednesday, March thru October ministry takes many willing servants to pull together to feed the community. Meal planning, prep, cooking, serving, delivery and clean up are all ways in which you can serve.  please call the church office at 937-698-4401 for more information.

Precious Beginnings

The Precious Beginnings ministry is a way to support families with new children.  After the arrival of a new addition to the family, the Hoffman community takes care of the evening meal for the family for a week.  Each evening, a willing servant provides a home cooked meal and delivers it to the family.  To be a part of this ministry, please call the church office at 937-698-4401 for more information.

Visitation Ministry
The Visitation Ministry is a way to encourage and engage in much needed fellowship with those in Hoffman family that are homebound, in nursing or rehabilitation facilities and hospitals.  If you are someone with the gifts of encouraging others, please call the church office for more information.
Women’s Group
Women of all ages are invited to attend our Hoffman Global Methodist Women’s Group.  We are an active group of women who support our church and support each other through prayer, planning, conversations, and participating in church activities together. Some of the activities are:
annual community art show, funeral dinners, Veterans’ Day program, Mother’s Day program, and World Communion Day luncheon.  Annual major fundraisers: Election Day dinner and Craft Show & Cafe Four planning meetings each year which include: devotions, food, and fellowship

Questions? Call the church office for more information. 


Children’s Ministry Servant Opportunities
Check out our Children’s page to learn more about the ways to serve the children at Hoffman and in our community. Also feel free to contact contact our Hoffman’s Children’s Ministry Director, Becky Garrett at 937-698-6511 for opportunities to serve.  (Safe Sanctuary rules apply.)
Bulldog Bags
 Our Children’s Ministry Director also heads up a program to provide weekend food for students with food insecurity. During the school year, volunteers gather weekly to bag up healthy treats that are distributed to students before the weekend. Many hands make for light work, and it is a good time to get to know other community and Hoffman members, too. 

Spark! is our wonderful Children’s Ministry, serving children from nursery through elementary school. In our Open Door service, we have a new preschool children’s church, along with a nursery, to nurture the faith of our youngest worshippers.


Currently we do not have a youth ministry, check back later. 

Sunday Hospitality Servants
Each Sunday, many faithful servants at Hoffman use their gifts to make our church a warm and welcoming place for everyone, no matter where they are in their spiritual journey.  Below are just a few of the ministries we encourage you to check into.
These outgoing individuals enthusiastically greet those coming to worship at one of the two sanctuary doors.  Our greeters also hand out bulletins and connect visitors with the Ushers.  If this sounds like you, contact the church at 937-698-4401 to learn more.
Our Ushers official radical hospitality to visitors by welcoming them, connecting them with other members and directing them to our Welcome Center and Hospitality Table. The Ushers are also responsible for collecting the offering, helping with Communion and other duties as needed. Contact the church at 937-698-4401 to learn more.
Hospitality Table
Each Sunday, the Hospitality Table is filled with donuts and other breakfast items as well as coffee, juice and water to encourage those exiting or arriving for worship or Sunday school to fellowship with one another. These servants give a few hours of their time every few months to setup, serve and clean up.  Please contact the church at 937-698-4401 to participate in this ministry.
Worship Servants
These servants work together to ensure that each worship service flows seamlessly.
Worship Design Team
The Worship Design Team works together to plan all aspects of the worship service.  This team is for creative thinkers with the ability to tie themes together with the sermon message.  Contact Pastor Ty at 937-698-4011 to see how you might be able to serve this team.
Worship Aesthetics
Working together with the Worship Design Team, you will have the opportunity to decorate the sanctuary and alter to go along with the sermon series. If you think you have a creative flair, contact the church at 937-698-4401 for more information.
Audio-Visual Team
This team works hand-in-hand with the Worship Design Team to enhance the worship service.  Anyone with technical computer skills or graphic experience should contact the church at 937-698-4401.
Worship Data Team
This team tracks weekly worship attendance as well as follows up with first time visitors by mailing postcards.  If you are someone with great follow through, contact the church office at 937-698-4401
The Liturgists assists the Pastor in leading worship during the 9:00 am Traditional Service.  As the Liturgist, you will lead the call to worship, read scripture and lead the congregation in prayer.  If you have a heart for worship, contact the church at 937-698-4401.
Scripture Readers
As a scripture reader, you will have the opportunity to read selected scripture passages as directed by the Pastor and the Worship Design Team. Contact the church at 937-698-4401.
Seasonal and Special Event Ministries
Hoffman offers many opportunities to engage in seasonal or special event ministry. You have the opportunity to plan, host or help with events that build relationships in the congregation and the community.  Please contact the church office at 937-698-4401 to learn who leads the particular event that you wish to serve.
  • Election Day Dinner
  • Pot Pie Making
  • Craft Show
  • Art Show
  • Veterans Program
  • Church Garage Sale
  • Trustees Work Day
  • Fourth of July Parade
  • Trunk or Treat
Future Dream Teams
Many of our ministries were started as a result of someone’s passion and the calling God has placed on their heart.  Do you have a dream for a particular ministry?  Let us know!